Czech Republic

The WHO Country Office in the Czech Republic, the WHO working group for ageing, the Ministry of Health and the Healthy Cities Network are cooperating in a number of projects to disseminate information on active ageing:

  • WHO material on age-friendly cities has been translated into Czech.
  • The Government Council for Older Persons and Population Ageing has added discussions about the age-friendly cities material to its agenda and has decided to use the materials actively in the future.
  • On 13 March 2012, the Czech Senate hosted a seminar on active ageing and intergenerational solidarity in the Czech Republic.
  • This year the annual forum on health education organized by the NGO Kalokagathie focused on ageing and took place 27-29 April 2012. The forum included a presentation by the head of the WHO Country Office in the Czech Republic.

The Healthy Cities Network also organized activities at the municipality level.