
Danish Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration

On 2 April 2012, the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Danish National Board of Health will jointly host an event in Copenhagen, Denmark, to kick off a range of activities organized throughout the WHO European Region to celebrate World Health Day. A panel of experts including representatives from WHO/Europe, governments and civil society will discuss the need for and impact of policies that promote healthy and active ageing. 

To celebrate the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration has announced a competition for the title of City of all Generations. 

The winning city, to be announced on 12 December 2012 by the Ministry and WHO, will receive 200 000 Danish crowns (approximately 36 000 US dollars) to be used for the further development and implementation of innovative and inspiring ideas that involve age-friendly urban planning and focus on bringing generations together. All of the country’s municipalities are encouraged to nominate one or more cities based on completed or ongoing projects.

The aim is to find the city in Denmark that is most attractive for older persons to live in – for the benefit not only of the older persons themselves, but all generations in the city. Through this competition, the Ministry wants to draw attention to the impact that built environments have on people, especially older inhabitants. The competition will highlight how well-designed and inclusive cities and districts can promote active living as well as greater solidarity among various age groups.

Inquiries related to the competition can be addressed to Julie Møller at +45 41 73 08 61 or