
The Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanović Batut" traditionally coordinates World Health Day activities, under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and supported by the WHO Country Office. The following activities are planned for 2012:

  • Material from the WHO web site will be translated into Serbian and added to a general information leaflet, which will include the programme of World Health Day activities. All materials will be distributed to regional institutes of public health and posted on the official web sites of the Ministry of Health and Institute of Public Health of Serbia.
  • A Serbian translation of the World Health Day 2012 poster will be printed in 1000 copies and distributed through a network of regional institutes of public health to primary health care centres, hospitals, NGOs and other partners.
  • A multisectoral conference on ageing and health will be organized at the Institute of Public Health of Serbia on 6 April 2012. Presentations will be given by 12 expert lecturers from various institutions and sectors: public health, health care programmes, social welfare, government team for social inclusion and poverty reduction, government council on ageing, statistical office of the Republic of Serbia and a gerontology institute. The conference will be opened by the Minister of Health and the Head of the WHO Country Office in Serbia. 
  • A press conference on ageing and health will be organized at the Institute of Public Health of Serbia. Participants will include the Minister of Health, the Institute of Public Health and the Head of the WHO Country Office. Press material will be prepared and distributed to daily, weekly and monthly issued printed and electronic media. 
  • Events to promote healthy lifestyles will be organized throughout Serbia, including health bazaars, lectures, and roundtable discussions on ageing and health.