
An annual national scientific conference to be held on 5-6 April 2012 at the National Medical University will bring together leading scientists, medical professionals and students to share knowledge, experiences and new developments in areas related to healthy ageing. Representatives of the Ministry of Health, Academy of Medical Science, Parliament of Ukraine, National Medical University and WHO will participate in the opening ceremony on 5 April 2012.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Health, WHO and the NGO Health organized a contest for journalists to reward excellence in reporting on health issues affecting Ukraine. From December 2011 to the deadline on 19 March 2012, over 150 reports in various formats were received by the review committee (written articles as well as audio and visual materials). Winning entries will be announced by the Minister of Health, Head of the Parliamentary committee on health and a WHO representative during an award ceremony on 6 April 2012.

An annual health promotion event will take place in Kyiv on 7 April 2012. The Ministry of Health along with national NGOs working in health-related areas are organizing a day-long event on the city's main street, where the public will be able to visit various stands to have their blood pressure checked or level of sugar measured; be tested for HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and some sexually transmitted infecctions; as well as receive free consultations from medical professionals. The main goal of the event is to promote healthy lifestyle practices and deliver relevant messages.  

Background information on World Health Day 2012 has been widely distributed throughout the country among local health authorities, media representatives and NGOs. A number of media reports are expected to be produced on ageing and health-related issues.