Views on ageing

Catharina De Kat-Reynen

The rapidly growing group of people aged 65 and over in the European Region represents a rich tapestry of experience, skills, contributions and special needs. The theme of World Health Day 2012, “Good health adds life to years”, provides an opportunity  at a pivotal time of demographic change  to take a closer look at ageing in the diverse countries of the Region. What challenges do older people face, and what do they like about their age? What words of advice on healthy ageing do they have for the younger generations of today? What are governments doing to support their older citizens, and what could be done better?

To focus on the people behind the important policy debate on population ageing, WHO/Europe is compiling an on-going album of stories and images that together illustrate how individuals and communities across the Region are experiencing population ageing and adding life to years.