World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day is an international event celebrated on 14 June every year:

  • to thank regular blood donors;
  • to raise awareness of the need for safe blood donations; and
  • to encourage more people to give blood on a regular basis.

The aim of designating a dedicated annual day linked with a global celebration is to promote voluntary non-remunerated blood donation and encourage new generations of voluntary blood donors to maintain supplies of the safest blood possible and save lives. It builds on the success of the World Health Day 2000 – "Blood Saves Lives. Safe Blood Starts with Me".

World Blood Donor Day is an opportunity for international organizations and European stakeholders to come together to support safe blood donation. In the European Region this event is widely celebrated.

The first World Blood Donor Day was launched in Johanesburg, South Africa, in 2004. Each year the launch of the global event is hosted by another WHO region. The launch altogether with the 10th celebration of the World Blood Donor Day in 2013 took place in Paris, France (WHO WHO Regional Office for Europe).