SEE Regional Centre for Blood Safety organizes its first training for blood supply management in emergencies

The South Eastern Europe (SEE) Regional Centre for Blood Safety is organizing its first training for Blood Supply management in Emergency and Special Circumstances.

Safety and availability of blood and blood components/products in emergencies and special circumstances is essential to ensure timely and appropriate patient care. Compliance to recognized quality standards along with evidence-based knowledge and skills on blood stock operability, haemovigilance and patient blood management are essential requirements for blood transfusion safety.

With international expert advice and support from the Council of Europe (CoE), the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), WHO Europe and the WHO Collaborating Centre in quality management in Slovenia, the SEE training of trainers in blood transfusion safety in emergency situations aims to strengthen partnership and capacity of response in blood safety and availability, for emergencies and special circumstances in South Eastern Europe. This event, led by the Regional SEE blood safety centre, Oradea, Romania, will take place 7-9 June 2011.  It is expected to be followed by a cascade field training process using e-learning mechanisms and coordinated by the National Project Managers in participating countries in close collaboration with the Regional SEE Centre in Oradea.  

The event is co-funded by the Government of Slovenia, CoE, EDQM and WHO Europe.