29th Meeting of the South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) in Zagreb, on 04-05 June 2012

The Croatian Presidency of the south-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) (January-June 2012) is organizing its 29th Meeting in Zagreb, on 04-05 June 2012. This event  will be attended by representatives of the SEE Health Network Member States, the partner countries international organization, as well as Heads of the SEEHN Regional Health Development Centres (RHDC).

The Meeting is continuation of the 28th extraordinary meeting of the SEEHN held in Brussels, on 13-14 March 2012 with the main objective to establish, start and develop the process of the implementation of the Banja Luka Ministerial Pledge (2011). It builds upon conclusions endorsed by the 28th Meeting.

The purpose of the meeting will be to:

  1. Establish the operational Secretariat for the Network as agreed in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Network and the Government of Republic of Macedonia.
  2. Elect new members of the Executive Committee based on Protocol for election developed by the Secretariat and the MoU Terms of Reference.
  3. Establish a working group for developing the SEEHN Communication Strategy
  4. Establish a working group for developing Protocol for operation of the RHDCs, based on the SEEHN basic documents.
  5. Develop a joint agenda with relevant RCC initiatives  Signing of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with the International Network of Health promoting Hospitals and Services (HPH) and the International Organization of Migration (IOM) to  establish  working cooperation of mutual benefit in view of the similarity of some of the activities between the entities; an initial discussion to be held regarding the steps to be taken for the practical implantation of this agreement.
  6. Make practical arrangements with EHFG with the aim in particular to organize a an SEE High Level Forum in Bad-Gadstein in October 2012; the draft components of the Programme to be discussed – with the focus on the implementation of Aquis Communitaire. The issues of participation and funding to be discussed and resolved.
  7. Discuss and agree on a joint action plan and practical arrangements for the cooperation with EuroHealthNet.
  8. Discuss and agree on knowhow and capacity building in support of the Banja Luka Pledge based on the preliminary ideas and practical possibilities presented by experts (WHO/Europe; Office for Investment for Health and development) focusing on distance learning.
  9. Adopt the program of the next Presidency and Calendar of Events for the period June-December 2012.