South-eastern Europe blood safety project, Component 2. Increasing the transnational availability of blood for medical emergencies and special circumstances (2009)



The SEE blood safety project has been planned and implemented with a phased approach.  Component One of the project was completed in 2006. Component Two of the project had a special emphasis on safe blood donation and support to national blood donor programmes development/update. This project component ended in May 2009, with an evaluation meeting. Its major outcomes are the development of national blood donor programmes and promotion campaigns targeting youth in participating countries. Due to its limited funding Component two of the SEE blood safety project did not reach most of its stated objectives. Based on its recorded achievements, a 2-year extension of this project has been proposed, with an addendum focused on quality management and haemovigilance systems. The SEE blood safety network developed during the project proved to be an effective mechanism to share experience and information exchange.