Moldovan health care stakeholders complete human resources for health training course in the Netherlands


Participants from the Republic of Moldova taking part in an HRH management course at the WHO Collaborating Centre (KIT) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25 Feb. to 8 March 2013

Four key health care stakeholders from the Republic of Moldova took part in a human resources for health (HRH) management and governance training course from 25 February to 8 March 2013. The training course, which was sponsored by WHO and conducted by the WHO Collaborating Centre for HRH (at the Royal Tropical Institute) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,  provided a global overview of HRH challenges and options and reviewed the knowledge and skills that HRH managers need for strategic planning. At national level the participants discussed options for addressing outstanding HRH issues.

The Moldovan group comprised representatives of the Ministry of Health, the National Centre of Health Management, the School of Public Health of State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemiţanu", as well as a representative of the WHO Country Office in the Republic of Moldova.

Course content

The main topics covered during the two-week training course included: 

  • identification of various functions and stakeholders of HRH in the health sector;
  • strategic planning of human resources;
  • the influence of governance on health workforce planning and management;
  • the relation between training and performance;
  • motivation and retention of personnel;
  • performance management issues;
  • organizational development and leadership.

Application in the Republic of Moldova

Following this course, the group will embark on its first task of revising and developing curricula for the School of Public Health intended for health care managers and heads of HR departments of medical institutions. In support of this task, the course focused in part on how to conduct and validate the results of a training needs assessment (TNA).

Ongoing effort to strengthen the health workforce

WHO support for this activity is part of the biennial collaborative agreement (BCA) 2012–2013 between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova and WHO/Europe. The training course and the ongoing process of strengthening the Republic of Moldova's capacity to manage the migration of health professionals are components of the European-Union-funded project "Better Managing the Mobility of Health Professionals in the Republic of Moldova".