Revamping nursing education in the Republic of Moldova


With support from WHO/Europe, a group of experts from Poland visited the Republic of Moldova on 11–14 August 2014 to help revise nursing curricula and education programmes to meet European Union standards and requirements.

The mission team consisted of representatives from the Polish Ministry of Health, the Nursing and Health Science Faculty of the Medical University of Lublin, and the Faculty of Health Sciences (Division of Nursing and Midwifery) of the Medical University of Lodz. The experts conducted working visits to the Ministry of Health, the National College of Medicine and Pharmacy “Raisa Pacalo” in Chisinau and the College of Medicine in Orhei.

The experts revised curricula and nursing education programmes of the national medical colleges on the following subjects:

  • basics of nursing science with general and specific techniques for care and diagnostic investigations;
  • internal medicine and geriatrics;
  • primary health care;
  • community nursing and home care;
  • midwifery;
  • obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) and specific OB/GYN nursing.

The mission’s technical report will include the main conclusions of the working visits and recommendations regarding further steps needed to improve curricula and nursing education programmes according to European Union standards and recommendations.

The expert mission was a follow-up to a working visit by a Moldovan delegation to Poland in 2013 to learn about Polish nursing education (training, curricula, education programme), the Ministry of Health’s nursing policies, strategies and legislation, continuing professional development, and the experiences of Polish nursing and midwifery associations. The visit, supported by WHO, was also part of the Republic of Moldova’s ongoing efforts to revise and adjust national education programmes to European standards.

Ongoing support from WHO and the European Union on health care worker mobility

WHO support for this activity is part of the biennial collaborative agreement 2014–2015 between the Ministry of Health and WHO/Europe. The mission and the ongoing process of strengthening the Republic of Moldova's capacity to manage the migration of health professionals are components of the European Union funded project: “Better managing the mobility of health professionals in the Republic of Moldova”.