Delivery of antenatal care services to Syrians and resident population living in Şanliurfa, Turkey (2019)



A project for 40 Syrian guest women and 40 Turkish resident women with high-risk pregnancies was completed in May 2018 in the district of Eyyübiye in the city of Şanlıurfa, Turkey. It was coordinated by Çukurova University, in cooperation with Şanlıurfa Health Directorate and the Humanitarian Boundaries Protection Association and supported by WHO. The study included a survey of the reproductive health, and pregnancy and sociodemographic characteristics of women with high-risk pregnancies, and their height, weight and blood pressure were measured. Laboratory analysis of samples of the subjects’ blood and haemoglobin checked for proteinuria. By providing care at home for the women, the project ensured that they were closely monitored and that gave birth in a healthy manner. This report is intended to help prevent infant and maternal deaths.