Advocacy and civil society engagement in TB-REP

Advocacy and civil society-oriented partners in the Tuberculosis Regional Eastern European and Central Asian Project (TB-REP) were involved in advocating in their country for quality TB services and ensuring that decision-makers hear the voices of those most vulnerable to TB. At national level, TB-REP managed to increase the prominence and engagement of civil society in the TB response.

With guidance and support from project leaders (the Center for Health Policies and Studies, Republic of Moldova; and WHO/Europe), nationally assigned civil society organizations collaborated with national authorities to foster and catalyse the transition to people-centred models of TB care within their areas of responsibility. Activities included:

  • contributing to the documentation of country experiences and lessons from collaborating partners;
  • conducting bottom-up regional and national advocacy programmes to engage countries;
  • strengthening the implementation of people-centred models of TB care by supporting country-specific adaptation based on the perspectives of civil society organizations.