Areas of work

WHO/Christian Gapp

Risks to food safety come from microbiological and chemical contamination of food. In this new millennium, food safety requires enhanced levels of international cooperation in setting standards and regulations. WHO/Europe contributes to standards and guidance that support Member States to ensure food safety.

Extreme weather events can impact food safety through increasing temperatures and pathogen emergence, changes in water availability and quality, and human behavior. WHO/Europe helps countries to adapt to reduce risks to food safety from climate-related events.

The contamination of food by chemical hazards is a worldwide public health concern and is a leading cause of trade problems internationally.

The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures requires World Trade Organization members to conduct scientific risk assessments to set limits for health risks associated with food. WHO/Europe works with its partners to provide data and agreed methodologies for risk assessment to disseminate accurate and timely information so that Member States can set appropriate limits.