About the project

The project scope

The European Union funded project, 'Monitoring the implementation of the European Strategy for Nutrition and Physical Activity' underpinned the WHO European database on nutrition, obesity and physical activity (NOPA) information system, which was established in 2008 to monitor the commitments of Member States by monitoring the progress in improving nutrition, physical activity and preventing obesity in the European Union (EU). The 'Monitoring the implementation of the European Strategy for Nutrition and Physical Activity' project was conducted to ensure and support the full cycle of surveillance, monitoring and evaluation of the policies. The project covered identification gaps by consolidating, fine-tuning and enlarging existing national and international monitoring and surveillance systems while monitoring and evaluating diet-related activities, interventions and policies in different contexts.


The project ran for 24 months, from 31 July 2012 to 31 July 2014 and was a joint initiative between WHO/Europe and WHO collaborating centres, the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission (EC DG SANTE) and the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) under the framework of the European Public Health Programme 2008‐2013. The project had a strategic, timely relevance for several other projects at EU level.


The project was led by WHO/Europe and implemented in collaboration with EC DG SANTE and CHAFEA in order to respond to EU priorities and mitigate constraints. The Steering Group met informally when needed during the project and took collective responsibility for the progress and performance of project milestones, achievements, quality, outputs, finances and deliverables.


All activities related to dissemination of the project were to ensure the maximum spread among the target groups. Dissemination took place at various levels, including scientific publications and reports, visual effects, participation at international meetings and conferences, expert and Member State consultations, and media interaction, in order for the activities to give high visibility to the project.

Aims and objectives

The overall objective of the project was to maintain and further refine the reporting and dissemination of information on surveillance, policy development and implementation regarding obesity, nutrition and physical activity. The aim was to provide policy and decision makers in Europe with evidence-based information on the implementation of the Strategy for Europe on Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity-related health issues, as well as the European Charter on Counteracting Obesity and the WHO European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015–2020. The project also looked at policy action undertaken to improve diets and physical activity and reduce overweight, while putting emphasis on policy implementation and effectiveness. Other specific aspects addressed were the issues around social inequalities and obesity; the importance of scaling up the work of the Member States Action Networks; dissemination of good practices and further capacity building throughout the European Region. The project specific objectives were divided into five Work Packages (WP):

# Title Description Link to the WPs Link to the deliverables Timing
1 To maintain and update NOPA database To maintain and increase the functionality of the NOPA database, to update information on surveillance, policy development and policy implementation, and to expand on SDH, inequalities and intersectoral approaches. WP 4 D 3 D 4 July
2 To assess and report on country level policy development and implementation To evaluate and report at country level policy development and implementation regarding nutrition, physical activity and obesity with a particular focus on enabling factors, barriers and good practices. WP 5 D 5 D 6 July
3 To identify and disseminate good practices To identify and disseminate good practices on tackling nutrition, physical activity, and obesity. WP 6 D 7 July
4 To scale up Action Networks To build and strengthen the Action Networks on obesity and inequalities, food reformulation (salt and trans-fats) and economic tools. WP 7 D 8 July
2012 –2014
5 To increase Member States' capacity on data collection and processing and on policy development, implementation and evaluation To strengthen capacity to improve the validity and quality of the data collect from Member States as well as on policy development, implementation and evaluation. WP 8 D 9 July


The Directorate-General for Health and Safety of the European Commission (DG SANTE), Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA), WHO/Europe and WHO collaborating centres.