Using participatory governance to address food and health challenges


Twenty Member States and 31 NGOs and Universities were represented at the INPROFOOD workshop "The voice of citizens in food, nutrition and health research innovation" at WHO/Europe on 26-27 May. The workshop  aimed to foster dialogue and mutual learning between government, industry, academia and civil society for dealing with the challenges of food and health.
The objectives were to:

  • identify common challenges in food, nutrition and health as expressed by different stakeholders
  • exchange information and share experiences about on-going food, nutrition and health networks and interventions carried out by the main national and European actors
  • inform stakeholders about the results of Inprofood
  • identify methods for public engagement in research
  • discuss how government can take account of public engagement

At breakout sessions participants discussed issues such as:
  • How to improve governance of research? 
  • What can be the respective role of actors from Government, CSO’s, Industry and Academia and what kind of resources can they exchange?
  • How to improve policy-making?
  • How to ensure transparency and conflict of interest?
  • What can facilitate trust and learning between the different stakeholders? 
  • How to ensure transparency? How to balance interests?
  • What are the methods for public engagement?
  • What methods of public engagement result in knowledge production? 
  • How can we improve public involvement? 

INPROFOOD - Towards inclusive research programming for sustainable food innovations is a project funded by the European Community with WHO as one of its major partners.