Report of the 2nd meeting of the European Union Physical Activity Focal Points Network



26 January 2015, Zurich, Switzerland May 2015 

The EU Physical Activity Focal Point Network met for the first time in Rome in October 2014, and focal points had since provided information to WHO on a first set of eight indicators. A second meeting took place at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, on 26 January 2015.
The aims of the meeting were to discuss lessons learned, challenges and concerns encountered when providing data for the first eight identified indicators; and to identify training and support needs to help focal points in providing data for the remaining indicators in the coming months.
Participants included the focal points, representing 24 Member States, the European Commission, represented by staff from DG EAC/Sport Unit and the World Health Organization, represented by staff from the WHO Regional Office for Europe. An external keynote speaker, some external experts (invited as observers) and a rapporteur were also present.