Second Moscow training course on the prevention and control of NCDs in countries of central Asia and eastern Europe, 2016. Report



18–23 April 2016, Moscow, Russian Federation

Member States have made significant progress in the field of prevention and control of NCDs: mortality from cardiovascular diseases is declining, there is a clear tendency in reducing the prevalence of smoking, and alcohol consumption is also steadily decreasing. However, there are also a number of persisting challenges: the prevalence of obesity among the population is increasing, physical activity level remains low and there remains high rates of cancer and endocrinological diseases. Thus, training of experts responsible for implementing the national policy in the field of prevention and control of NCDs and continued capacity building in this area is a priority.

The second Moscow training course on the prevention and control of NCDs was held within the plan of capacity building activities of the Project on the Prevention and Control of NCDs of the Division (NCD Project) of the WHO Regional office for Europe.