Food and nutrition action plans in the WHO European Region. Past, present and future



At the first meeting of nutrition counterparts in Malta in 1999, a draft WHO Food and Nutrition Action Plan was presented. At the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in September 2000, Member States unanimously endorsed the First Food and Nutrition Action Plan for the WHO European Region. The main goal of the WHO Action Plan is for all Member States in the WHO European Region to develop Food and Nutrition Action Plans by 2005. A ministerial conference will be held in 2006 to assess the progress towards this goal. During 2000-2002 workshops were held to assist Member States in developing national food and nutrition action plans. A few countries have finalized action plans, others are nearing completion and many are at the developing stage. Member States are encouraged to network and share experiences during the development of action plans. This second meeting of nutrition counterparts in Athens provided an opportunity to evaluate progress and discussed future priorities for the ministerial conference. The meeting also discussed European input to the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.