Report of meeting of counterparts on nutrition and food safety on the second WHO European action plan on food and nutrition policy



The aim of the meeting was to discuss the development of region-wide action to tackle nutrition and food-related diseases in the WHO European Region and to reach agreement on the draft Second WHO European Action Plan for Food and Nutrition Policy. Counterparts in nutrition and food safety representing forty-three Member States took part. The meeting provided a forum for strengthening links between the networks of nutrition and food safety experts. Policy options proposed to address nutrition and food-related diseases were reviewed and Member States presented their recent achievements in nutrition policies. Opportunities of linking with other European and international strategies were discussed as well as the implementation of the proposed action through networks of countries.

The second action plan was strongly supported by the participants who agreed on the general concept and the action proposed. The meeting reflected the strong commitment of the countries of the WHO European Region to work on nutrition and food safety, a commitment that could serve as a global example.