Food and nutrition action plans in south-east Europe. A manual for policy-makers



Following a consultation in Malta in November 1999, attended by representatives of most of the 51 Member States of the WHO European Region, the Regional Office began a process to help develop food and nutrition action plans throughout the Region. The participants in the present workshop were from south-east Europe and neighbouring countries. They met to improve the skills needed to develop intersectoral policies in relation to food and nutrition, and to establish a food and nutrition network for south-east Europe. This will enable them to promote sustainable development as well as regional cohesion and stability through the development of food and nutrition action plans. The 35 participants, who came from 8 countries and represented 7 different sectors, expressed interest in and commitment to developing vital cross-sectoral links in the areas of nutrition, food safety and sustainable development. The workshop was based on a training manual entitled Food and nutrition action plans. A manual for policy-makers, which is being developed. The Workshop therefore served to test the training manual, and the participants provided useful feedback in this respect.