Healthy nutrition: plan of action to develop regional programmes in the Russian Federation




This document is an important step towards developing healthy nutrition policiesand practices for the Russian population. Several years of truly multisectoral work by a large group of individuals and organizations are represented. Principles and directions for practical work are formulatedto establish and implement healthy nutrition programmes. This mode of work was relativelynewin Russia and it is hoped that it will work towards improving public health in Russia. Thisinitiativeis part of the WHO First Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2000-2005, endorsed bytheWHORegional Committee for Europe in September 2000. It was developed in collaboration with the WHO programme CINDI (Countrywide Integrated Noncommunicable Disease Intervention), which helped the process and ensured the guide’s development. The CINDI network also providesan infrastructure through which to disseminate the guide’s recommendations. It is hoped that the guide will contribute to establishing healthy nutrition programmes in the Russian Federation.