TEACH-VIP 2. Training, Educating and Advancing Collaboration in Health on Violence and Injury Prevention

TEACH-VIP is a comprehensive injury prevention and control curriculum which has been developed through the efforts of WHO and a network of global injury prevention experts. Currently, the most recent version of TEACH-VIP is TEACH-VIP 2, which is the second iteration of the training materials since the launch of TEACH-VIP in 2005. The course material is designed around a classroom instruction model, with PowerPoint slide presentations and supporting lecture notes which address a wide variety of topics relevant to injury prevention and control.

WHO makes this training material freely available for settings wishing to provide instruction in the area of injury prevention. The training materials and a variety of other capacity building resources for TEACH-VIP 2 are available in flash drive format and are supported by a 32-page users' manual. The actual training materials are structured around 67 lessons, each lesson taking approximately one hour of classroom time to teach.

Curriculum overview

The curriculum consists of 22 "core" lessons and 48 "advanced" lessons, of one hour classroom time each. The core lessons consist of a broad overview of the fundamentals of injury prevention. The advanced lessons are organized into 16 modules; each module containing 3 lessons. The advanced lessons cover the topics of the core module in greater detail, with more emphasis on the lessons that cover specialized context areas in injury prevention and control. This modular structure has proven to be effective in communicating complex health related topics.