Package of TEACH-VIP 2 materials

TEACH VIP 2 Core and Advanced Curriculums

Each of the curriculums contains all training materials that comprise TEACH-VIP 2. The training materials are modular in nature and are divided into "Core" and "Advanced" folders. In general terms, the training materials provided in the core folder are aimed at training audiences who require a more general form of information than those in the advanced folder. Within the advanced folder there are 16 modules, each containing 3 lessons presented in separate lesson folders, and within the core folder there are 22 lesson folders. Each lesson has been designed to take approximately one hour of classroom time to teach.

Each lesson folder, whether core or advanced, contains the following 3 files:

  • A PowerPoint presentation: this serves to provide visual reinforcement for the material taught in class.
  • A Word document: meant for trainers. Provides comprehensive slide notes for each teaching slide and full references.
  • A second Word document with a title finishing in 'Student hand-out': provided to facilitate printing out as an aid for students. The student handout document also contains required, suggested, and further reading references (where available).

TEACH-VIP 2 evaluation materials

The evaluation materials have two sub-folders, each of which holds the instruments WHO has developed in order to allow for systematic documentation and evaluation of the TEACH-VIP 2 materials.

The student evaluation sub-folder contains 3 questionnaires. These are designed to be administered at the initial intake of students (e.g. on their first day prior to receiving any instruction using the TEACH-VIP 2 materials), a second ('Lesson evaluation questionnaire') that is meant to be completed by students upon the conclusion of their final lesson, and a final questionnaire meant to be filled out by students approximately 6 months after concluding their training.

The trainer evaluation and institutional reporting form folder contains 2 tools. One is a questionnaire designed to be filled out by all trainers involved in administration of the TEACH-VIP 2 materials, and the second is an institutional reporting form to be filled out by the course coordinator for each setting making use of TEACH-VIP 2.