European network of national focal persons

In the European Region, about 50 out of 53 Member States have appointed NFPs for violence and for injury prevention in response to World Health Assembly resolutions of 2003 and 2004 (see Policy page).

Live without Injuries and Violence in Europe (LIVE)

The first meeting of NFPs agreed to adopt a unifying vision for the network that was named LIVE. The network aims to facilitate the exchange of relevant information and experiences across the Region, and to strengthen the regional and national capacity to advocate for injury prevention, promote evidence-based preventive strategies and develop cross-sectoral partnerships.

Latest meeting: 11-12 October 2011 in Oslo, Norway

Kindly hosted by the Norwegian Directorate for Health

The main aim of the sixth network meeting was to review progress in the implementation of the joint activities undertaken by the network as defined in the WHO Resolution EUR/RC55/R9 and EU Council Recommendation and to discuss next steps for future collaboration.

In particular, participants:

  • discussed lessons learnt related to launches of the World and European reports on child injury prevention and on how best to follow up on the implementation of international policy developments in this field;
  • deliberated on joint actions for the Decade of Road Safety 2011-2020 and learn about developments for the second survey of the Global status report on road safety;
  • sought opportunities for joint working in advocacy and violence prevention following reports by WHO in areas such as youth violence, intimate partner violence and elder maltreatment;
  • discussed a major theme related to the prevention of violence and injury through a key note lecture; and
  • networked and exchanged country experiences.