Provisional programme

Opening ceremony

Prof. Dr. Antoinette Kaić-Rak, WHO Croatia Country Office
Decade for Action for Road Safety 2011-2020

Dr Ivana Brkić Biloš, Croatian National Institute of Public Health
Public health significance of traffic accidents in the Republic of Croatia

Mrs Mila Jelavić, Ombudsperson for Children
The Role of Ombudsperson for children in increasing children's traffic safety

Presentation of art works on the theme of road safety by pupils of the Primary School "Ivan Gundulić", Zagreb  

Dr Sanja Predavec, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
Reorganization of emergency medical service and its role in road safety

Mr Boris Orlović and Mr Josip Mataija, Ministry of Interior
The 2011-2020 Croatian National Road Traffic Safety Programme

Dr Žarka Rogić, Croatian Red Cross
First aid training for drivers and other traffic participants to provide first aid and medical assistance

Mr Nenad Zuber, Croatian Auto Club
Role of the Croatian Auto Club in the "Decade for Action for Road Safety 2011-2020"

Mr Nebojša Ćelica, NGO - Car Accident Victims Association (NGO)
New approach to the road traffic safety
