Eighth meeting of the working group on health in climate change (‎HIC)‎ of the European environment and health task force: meeting report: virtual session, 8–9 December 2020



On 8 and 9 December 2020, the Working Group on Health in Climate Change (‎HIC)‎ of the European Environment and Health Task Force held its eighth annual meeting virtually. The main purpose of the meeting was to further support the work of Member States from the WHO European Region in developing and implementing their national portfolios of action in the area of climate change and health, as outlined in the Ostrava Declaration. In addition, the meeting provided updates on new regional evidence for the health impacts of climate change, and on global and European Region policy developments and progress on climate change and health. Taking place as it did in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting paid particular attention to how to make a healthy, green recovery.