Belfast Charter for Healthy Cities (2018)






This Charter expresses the commitment of political leaders of cities in Europe to promote health and well-being, keep the world safe, and protect the vulnerable, in line with WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work adopted at the World Health Assembly in May 2018.

This will be achieved through a commitment to strengthening and championing action on health and well-being, health equity, sustainable development, and human rights. It celebrates and builds on 30 years of knowledge, experience and public health accomplishments of the WHO European Healthy Cities movement. It reaffirms commitment to the values and principles of Healthy Cities and draws inspiration from the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the WHO European Healthy Cities Network Copenhagen Consensus of Mayors, adopted by the Network in February 2018.

The Charter identifies priorities for action based on new opportunities and evidence, to guide effective and efficient approaches to addressing today’s global common and interdependent public health and well-being challenges. It specifically calls on mayors, politicians and local government officials to strengthen their leadership roles in facilitating whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches to promoting health and well-being, and reducing health inequities and inequalities. It reviews plans and priorities for Phase VII (2019–2024) of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network and identifies how regional and national governments and WHO can support and benefit from these approaches.