
WHO/Ursula Truebswasser

In 2007 the World Health Assembly, including the Member States of the WHO European Region, endorsed WHO's strategy for integrating gender analysis and actions into its work. Resolution 60.25 referred to the work of both WHO and countries:

The Sixtieth World Health Assembly, having considered the draft strategy for integrating gender analysis and actions into the work of WHO …

URGES Member States:

  1. to include gender analysis and planning in joint strategic, and operational planning, and budget planning as appropriate, including country cooperation strategies;
  2. to formulate national strategies for addressing gender issues in health policies, programmes and research, including in the area of reproductive and sexual health;
  3. to lay emphasis on training and sensitization on, and promotion of, gender, women and health;
  4. to ensure that a gender-equality perspective is incorporated in all levels of health-care delivery and services, including those for adolescents and youth;
  5. to collect and analyse sex-disaggregated data, conduct research on the factors underlying gender disparities and use the results to inform policies and programmes;
  6. to make progress towards gender equality in the health sector, in order to ensure that the contribution of women, men, girls and boys as providers of health care is considered in health policy and planning and training for the health-care workers.