Fact 2: Refugees and migrants

Refugees and migrants are distinct groups governed by separate legal frameworks. Refugees and migrants are entitled to the same universal human rights and fundamental freedoms as all people, which must always be respected, protected and fulfilled.

However, only refugees are entitled to specific international protections as defined by international refugee law. The term refugee is precisely defined in the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol thereto.

Migrants are a heterogeneous group consisting of categories such as irregular migrants, unaccompanied minors and labour migrants. There are no universally accepted definitions for a migrant at an international level; definitions vary by length of stay in a country, documentation/residency or reason for migration.

Read more Report on the health of refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region: no public health without refugee and migrant health (2018)

These 10 facts summarize key issues on refugee and migrant health in the WHO European Region.