WHO/Europe participates in the National Conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) organized its 2014 National Conference & Exhibition in San Diego, California, in October 2014. Dedicated to the health of children, the AAP focused its flagship event in the post-2015 agenda: what will be the key health targets once the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) expire?, and how can pediatricians contribute to the improvement of public health policy, health research and education?

WHO/Europe through the project Public Health Aspects of Migration in Europe (PHAME) participated in the conference, highlighting the growing importance of migrants’ health as one of the key issues to be addressed in the post-MDG era. Future cooperation between AAP and the WHO/Europe PHAME project was discussed, mainly on the areas of migrants’ health research as well as the benefits of potential staff exchanges. 

Both continents, Europe and America, are facing the challenge of migration and its consequences for national health systems. Experiences and best practices from both sides of the Atlantic were shared during the conference, highlighting the need to address the public health aspects of migration for the benefit of both migrant and recipient populations.