Human resources

The availability of human resources with the appropriate mix of competencies, knowledge and skills is an essential requirement for fulfilling the IHR (2005) obligations and the management of health emergen­cies. It requires a sustainable approach to the continuous development of the knowledge and skills of health workers and other relevant personnel.

States Parties will:

  • a. develop and implement a needs-based workforce strategy, aimed at building, maintaining and retaining appropriate skills in health and other sectors, as relevant;
  • b. ensure adequate distribution of the emergency preparedness and response workforce across the health system; and
  • c. establish, strengthen and maintain the capacity of a multisectoral workforce through training and testing of their capabilities for the early detection and prevention of, preparedness for and response to potential events of international concern at all levels.

The Regional Office, in collaboration with key partners, will support States Parties to further develop health workforce capacities through face-to-face and online training, curriculum development, simula­tion exercises and meetings and workshops. These training activities will be continuously evaluated to ensure their targeted impact on the improvement of the health workforce.