Creating a new market for cigarettes

The tobacco industry has a long history of associating tobacco use with female beauty, luxury, empowerment and health. It aggressively uses a full range of tactics to promote the rapid rise in smoking among women and girls.

The marketing of a major international cigarette brand to women has been particularly successful. Flavour is an aspect of product design that appeals to girls and women. Versions include packaging in different colours and particular designs to depict the flavour and create a romantic image. In 2003, a newer version of this brand was launched, causing sales to more than quadruple from those in 1999.

In 2005, the company also launched several aromas to address women’s concerns about the unpleasant smell of tobacco smoke, and promoted the product as allowing women to change aroma to suit their mood. In 2009, an esteemed French designer was involved in the package design, ensuring it reflected the season’s fashion trends.