Healthy urban planning




By Hugh Barton & Catherine Tsourou
Published by Spon Press
2000, 184 pages
ISBN 0 415 24327 0 (paperback) £21.99
ISBN 0 415 24326 2 (hardback) £65.00

Healthy urban planning means planning for people. It promotes the idea that the city is much more than buildings, streets and open spaces, but a living, breathing organism, the health of which is closely linked to that of its citizens.

Conditions in cities, sometimes compounded by urban planning practices, can be detrimental to health. Healthy urban planning focuses on the positive impact that urban planning can have on human health, wellbeing and quality of life, and reflects WHO's broad definition of health. The book explains concepts and principles, and draws on the experiences of cities and towns throughout Europe, many of which are part of the Healthy Cities movement. It then goes on to suggest an approach which puts a desire for healthy citizens back at the very heart of urban planning practice.

Professionals involved in the planning, design and regeneration of the urban environment will find the ideas and approaches contained in this book refreshing and stimulating. It will also enable public health professionals to learn more about the role urban planners can play in promoting health.