Work of WHO in the European Region, 2004-2005 (The): Biennial report of the Regional Director






2006, vii + 63 pages
ISBN 92 890 1385 0
This publication is only available online.

This report describes the work done by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in 2004-2005 with about 550 core staff and a budget of US$ 159 893 937. It is built around nine functions:

  1. operations in countries;
  2. health systems;
  3. communicable diseases;
  4. noncommunicable diseases, lifestyles and health determinants, and family and community health;
  5. health and environment;
  6. health intelligence and publishing for public health;
  7. infrastructure and logistics;
  8. administrative services; and
  9. governance.

The aim is to show more transparently how the Regional Office used its human and financial resources in its efforts to provide services matched to countries' needs.