The WHO European health equity status report initiative: understanding the drivers of health equity: the power of political participation (2020)



The WHO European Health Equity Status Report, Healthy, prosperous lives for all, reveals the policy conditions responsible for the health gap in the WHO European Region. Underlying exactly how these policies impact differently on the health and well-being of women and men across social strata are governance systems and means by which the public is brought into decision-making that affects their lives and livelihoods. This policy brief presents evidence showing that political participation, representation, accountability and transparency are important preconditions for health equity.

The theory of change underpinning the analysis is that:

  • inclusive political institutions give participatory space and weight to the voices of people whose lives are most deeply affected by health inequities, and thus more control in policymaking and implementation processes; and
  • robust civil society organizations and press freedom lead to greater accountability and transparency in the political process.