Work and worklessness: Final report of the Task group on employment and working conditions, including occupation, unemployment and migrant workers (2016)



Review of social determinants of health and the health divide in the WHO European Region

The aims of this report are:

  1. to summarize current evidence on the effects of employment and working conditions on health and to describe the contribution of these effects on health inequalities;
  2. to identify and discuss interventions and policies that aim at reducing work-related health inequalities;
  3. to review available workand health-related monitoring tools; and
  4. to propose a set of policy recommendations related to the reported evidence

Separate recommendations are given for low- and medium-income countries and for high-income countries, given the
current differences in economic, social and political development. This distinction does not preclude synergy and efforts towards convergence but rather indicates different priorities for action. Moreover, we address responsible stakeholders at three distinct levels: supranational, national and local.