The evidence

Health 2020 and its main related documents were developed with an expert drafting group that advised on their structure and contents. The drafting was based on the best available evidence, systematically reviewed and collated. This process included commissioning a number of new studies, as well as establishing links to studies in progress that addressed core issues of Health 2020.

In addition, a mapping exercise was conducted throughout WHO/Europe to identify the best solutions to public health challenges in the European Region as well as opportunities to promote health and well-being.
The specific studies commissioned or adopted as part of the Health 2020 development process were:

  • a study on governance for health in the 21st century;
  • a review of the social determinants of health and the health divide in the WHO European Region;
  • a review of ways of conducting intersectoral governance for health in the Region;
  • a study on the economic case for public health action; and
  • a review of the commitments of Member States and WHO/Europe from 1990 to 2010, through an analysis of WHO Regional Committee for Europe resolutions.