World Health Day 2014 in the Republic of Moldova


National and local authorities, along with various nongovernmental organizations, organized several events in the Republic of Moldova to celebrate World Health Day 2014 and raise awareness on health-related topics, with a special focus on this year’s theme of vector-borne diseases.

Health booth

Activities started on 5 April in the central park of Chisinau. Municipal public health authorities installed a booth where health professionals could advise passers by on how to protect themselves from vector-borne diseases when traveling or working in countries endemic for vector-borne diseases.

Press conference

The Ministry of Health held a press conference on 11 April highlighting the increasing numbers of diseases imported to the Republic of Moldova, particularly due to the high mobility of Moldovans, increased travel and global trade. Andrei Usatii, Minister of Health, stressed that "health care professionals should improve their knowledge about vector-borne diseases and communicate better on these topics. Before travelling, people should be informed about the risks and protection measures, and they should be aware of certain endemic diseases which are prevalent in the Republic of Moldova: 15-30 cases of malaria are reported in the country each year (mostly imported from African countries), as well as about 100–174 cases of Lyme disease (borreliosis), 2-6 cases of Q-fever, and occasional tularemia cases."

Dr Jarno Habicht, WHO Representative in the Republic of Moldova, emphasized the importance of preparedness, as some European Member States have been facing a resurgence of vector-borne diseases. For example, malaria reemerged in Greece after 40 years, while Dengue fever cases have been identified in parts of Portugal, due to increased trade, current migration trends, urbanization and climate change. “It is important to remember simple rules to protect yourself from vector-borne diseases, such as wearing protective clothing, vaccination, knowing the disease signs and timely seeking health care”, said Dr Habicht.

Advising travellers on how to protect themselves from vector-borne diseases

With support from the WHO Country Office and the Ministry of Health, airline companies at Chisinau International Airport organized the distribution of World Health Day boarding passes aiming to generate engagement, raise awareness and stimulate action. Public health specialists also informed travellers about vector-borne diseases, potential risks and protection measures they could take.

Health Gala – national awards ceremony recognizing the best health professionals

In partnership with the Ministry of Health, National Health Insurance Company and the Centre for Health Information and Communication, WHO organized the third anniversary of the Health Gala – a national awards ceremony acknowledging the performance and best achievements of health professionals in the country. The Minister of Health and the WHO Representative to the Republic of Moldova addressed about 200 health-sector managers, development partners and representatives of diplomatic missions during the event.

Special awards were designated for 12 categories, including best family doctor team, best nursing team and best lifelong health career achievement. The Health Gala awards were distributed on the basis of a public vote and recommendations from an awards jury.