Antibiotic resistance: No action today, no cure tomorrow

Antibiotic resistance – can we do better?

Copenhagen, Denmark

Date: 7 April, 2011
Time: 14:00 to 16:00 Doors open at 13:30
Venue: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe
Scherfigsvej 8,
2100 Copenhagen


Antibiotics should be used only when they are needed and not otherwise. However, they are still over-used and misused by health professionals, patients, farmers, and vets.

Concern is growing that increasingly it is impossible to treat or prevent bacterial infections, and we will return to a pre-antibiotic era. What is the true picture in Denmark and Europe?

On Thursday 7 April 2011, World Health Day, the WHO Regional Office for Europe is holding a scientific seminar on antibiotic resistance in collaboration with the Statens Serum Institute, to examine what is being done and what can make a difference.

We invite you to participate in this event which is open for the first 125 persons to register for this event. Students are also welcome to register for this event.



14:00 Welcome
14:05-14:20 Antibiotic resistance and the main determinants in Europe
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm
14:20-14:30 Towards a European Regional Strategy on the containment of antibiotic resistance
WHO Regional Office for Europe
14:30- 14:45 Prudent use of antibiotics in Denmark
Jenny Dahl Knudsen, University of Copenhagen, Hvidovre Hospital
14:45-15:00 Use of antibiotics in general practice
Lars Bjerrum, University of Copenhagen
15:00-15:15 Teaching hand hygiene
Jette Holt, Statens Serum Institut
15:15-15:30 Observations on compliance of hand hygiene
Elisabeth Lund, Infection Control, Aarhus University Hospital
15:30-15:40 Discussion
15:40-- Coffee-break with demonstration exercise on hand hygiene