Experts in Moscow discuss antibiotic resistance on World Health Day


A scientific seminar held in Moscow, Russian Federation was one of many events organized throughout the European Region on World Health Day to highlight the challenge of antibiotic resistance.

Leading Russian specialists in communicable disease control gathered at the Ministry of Health and Social Development in Moscow for a scientific seminar organized by WHO/Europe. Globally, antibiotic resistance is a growing concern, and no country is exempt. In their opening addresses, Olga Borzova, Chair of the Committee on Health of the State Duma (the lower house of the Russian parliament) and Veronika Skvortsova, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, highlighted the significance of the threat and the immediate action that needs to be taken.

Experts from organizations including the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and ReAct joined WHO/Europe in presenting the current epidemiological situation and discussing problems and best practices in European countries.

Speaking at the seminar, Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe, outlined the strategic action plan to reduce the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance and address its main causes that will be presented to ministers at WHO/Europe’s annual meeting in September.

The seminar was followed by a press briefing with panelists, including Zsuzsanna Jakab and Veronika Skvortsova.

A strategic action plan on antibiotic resistance

The strategic action plan on antibiotic resistance that WHO/Europe will present to all health ministers in the European Region at the annual session of its governing body in September 2011 has seven objectives:

  1. Promote national coordination.
  2. Strengthen the surveillance of antibiotic resistance.
  3. Promote the rational use of antibiotics, including surveillance of antibiotic consumption.
  4. Improve infection control and the stewardship of antibiotic use in health care settings.
  5. Promote the surveillance, prevention and control of antibiotic resistance in the food chain.
  6. Promote research and innovation on new antibiotics.
  7. Improve awareness on antibiotic use and the risk of increasing resistance.