Alikhan, 77, Kazakhstan

WHO/Alexandr Gordon

Alikhan is 77 years old. A retired agronomist, he now lives in an apartment together with his son and his son's family.

Daily life

"I enjoy the opportunity to live with my son's family and spend time raising my grandchildren. I have contact with my friends and neighbours, who are all from my own generation. I enjoy reading most."

Looking back, what advice would you give to younger people?

"I am happy with my life. I reached in my profession and personal life everything that I wanted. I would advise young people to work honestly and take care of their loved ones."

Physical activity

"I do light exercises every day in the morning for 10-15 minutes only. I feel more brisk and cheerful after these exercises."

Disease prevention

"I get a vaccination from time to time against seasonal flu only, at the municipal primary health care centre. I do not know what other kinds of vaccination I need to get.

"I usually receive information on clinical treatment only, and health workers are always busy and do not have time to talk with us."

Informal and formal care

"I am able to provide self care, as I do not need much assistance in my daily tasks at the time being. Since I live with my son's family, they take care of my food and other needs, and I try to help them, too.

"For health care I go to policlinic doctors and the city hospital. Social and health workers usually do not make any home visits. I suppose it would be good to have a system for home social and health patronage. We receive a little information on disease prevention, but do not have the option of receiving consultations.

"Actually we don't know what a good example would be of a social and health care system for elderly people. That is why we cannot say for sure what we would like to see in the Kazakhstan system. Mainly all the issues of care for elderly people are their adult children's responsibility."