Commission on Information and Accountability (COIA) for Women's and Children's Health

About the Commission

Accountability is critical to meet the objectives of the Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health and the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health (COIA) was therefore established in 2010, and a framework was developed to ensure resources are made available and results are measured.
The accountability framework identifies a core set of indicators for results and resources, proposes an action plan to improve health information systems, and explores opportunities to improve access to information through information technology.

The objectives of the Commission are to:

  • determine international institutional arrangements for global reporting, oversight and accountability on women's and children's health. This accountability framework encompasses results and resources, and identify the roles of the different partners involved;
  • identify ways to improve monitoring of progress towards women and children's health, while minimizing the reporting burden on countries, including a core set of indicators, efficient investment in data generation and better data sharing;
  • identify opportunities for innovation provided by information technology that facilitate improved accountability for results and resources, and propose ways of ensuring these opportunities are harnessed to bring maximum benefit to countries; and
  • propose actions to overcome major challenges to accountability at the country level, including strengthening of country capacity and addressing major data gaps, such as the monitoring of vital events.