
Kyrgyzstan is the country with the highest rate of maternal mortality rate in WHO European region – 79 per 100 000 live births in 2015. The major cause of maternal death is obstetric hemorrhage: 47%. Quality of maternal and newborn care remains as a priority for the country.

WHO/Europe has worked with the Ministry of Health and partners in Kyrgyzstan for some years to support work and build capacity for different aspects of maternal and newborn health.

The biennial collaborative agreement for 2018–2019 includes initiatives aimed to improve the access to services and get better health outcomes for women, newborn, children and adolescents through the technical assistance in:

  • in improving quality of antenatal, postpartum and hospital care for pregnant women, mothers and newborns;
  • support to improve quality of health care services in different settings through the use of the WHO Quality of care assessment packages, quality improvement approaches such as near-miss case reviews (NMCR) and confidential enquiries into maternal deaths (CEMD);
  • capacity building of national experts in operational research, implementation of the research projects (such as Global maternal sepsis survey) and collecting new evidence on reducing reproductive, maternal and newborn health inequities.


Maternal Death Surveillance and Response (MDSR) system is now in place: the monitoring and evaluation of the NMCR implementation in 5 regions conducted, the result and recommendations presented and disseminated. The Second CEMD report presented in a high level meeting widely disseminated.