
In Tajikistan maternal mortality (32 deaths per 100 000 live births) is conditioned by poor quality of services in antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care the lack of a functioning referral system, the lack of means of transport especially in rural areas, and inadequate access to emergency obstetric care (EOC).

WHO/Europe has worked with the Ministry of Health and partners in Tajikistan for several years to support work and build capacity for different aspects of maternal and newborn health.

The biennial collaborative agreement for 2018–2019 includes work to promote health through a life-course approach, which will result in:

  • further expansion of access to and quality of effective interventions from prenatal to postpartum, focusing on the 24-hour period around childbirth;
  • strengthening country capacity to expand high-quality interventions to improve child health and early child development and prevent child deaths, including from pneumonia and diarrhoea; and
  • undertaking research and generating evidence to produce key interventions in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and other issues linked to it.
  • WHO/Europe will continue to support and facilitate policy dialogue both through existing platforms including the MCH Advisory Council under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, and intersectoral cooperation.

The biennium work plan also envisions supporting policy makers, facility managers and health practitioners at all levels in better use of health information for evidence-based policy and decision making.