
WHO/Europe has worked with the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry and partners in Turkmenistan for some years to support work and build capacity for different aspects of reproductive, maternal and newborn health.

The biennial collaborative agreement 2018–2019 has a number of priorities including promoting health through the life-course with the following outcome:

  • Increased access to interventions for improving the health of women, newborn, children and adolescents.

As part of the implementation of the National Maternal and Child Health Strategy and recently approved Ministry of Health Order N166 "Improvement of Perinatal Health Care in Turkmenistan" the WHO methodology in analyzing maternal morbidity Near-miss case review (NMCR) is implemented in three pilot maternity units.

Key professionals from Turkmenistan have participated in the regional meetings on reviewing Beyond the Numbers and Perinatal Audit, on improving antenatal care in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.