
WHO/Europe has been working in Ukraine for a number of years, even before the humanitarian crisis, to improve the different aspects of reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health (RMCAH).

Due to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, WHO/Europe has prioritized interventions for developing health services for women, newborn, children and adolescents through technical assistance in:

  • improving access to RMCAH health services for internally displaced people and in the eastern regions affected by the crisis;
  • capacity building of health care providers working in Mobile Emergency Primary health Care Units (MEPUs) through updating and organizing training with the inclusion of maternal and child health modules; and
  • strengthening services in emergency triage assessment and treatment of children.

The collaborative work also supports development using the life-course approach, which includes:

  • support to implement Beyond the numbers Near-miss case reviews in maternity hospitals and confidential inquiries into maternal death methodology at national level ;
  • support to develop and implement a strategy on noncommunicable diseases (NCD) prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle for school-aged children;
  • support for strengthening national legislation, capacity building and service provision for RMCAH.

WHO/Europe also continues to support and facilitate the comprehensive strategic approach to improving reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health.