
Despite the fact that the maternal mortality rate in Uzbekistan is reduced by almost half from 61 per 100 000 live births in 1990 to 36 in 2015, it remains one of the highest in the WHO European Region.

Despite that the maternal mortality rate in Uzbekistan declined almost for a half from 61 per 100,000 births in 1990 up to 36 in 2015 it still one of the highest in the WHO European region.

WHO/Europe closely collaborated with the Ministry of Health and partners in Uzbekistan for several years to support work and build capacity in the area of reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health and promote the life-course approach.

In the result of such collaboration Uzbekistan advanced in delivering evidence-based care in line with WHO recommendations and standards.

WHO provides technical assistance to the country in health systems strengthening through the implementation and rolling-out existing best practices in continuous quality improvement mechanisms, such as supportive supervision and  “Beyond the numbers” approaches , including  implementation of near-miss case reviews (NMCR), confidential enquiries into  maternal deaths (CEMD).

Further WHO support discussed with the Ministry of Health, and priority areas identified for the next biennial collaborative agreement for 2018–2019. Main focus will be made in developing and implementing new plans and policies addressing health system bottlenecks and focus on effective interventions in order to end preventable maternal and newborn deaths.