High-level panel discusses food safety: World Health Day 2015 in Turkey


Delegates from a high-level event to mark World Health Day 2015 in Turkey.

Over 200 experts including high-level representatives from the Ministry of Health; Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock; Hacettepe University; the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), NGOs and WHO/Europe attended a high-level event to mark World Health Day 2015.

WHO's Five keys to safe food video, which had been translated into Turkish, opened the meeting, and was followed by keynote speeches.

"Highlighting the challenges and opportunities associated with food safety 'From farm to plate, make food safe', World Health Day has provided an important platform for all relevant sectors and authorities to come together and discuss their responsibilities in this field. The Ministry of Health will continue to strengthen its activities in this area, placing special emphasis on improving food safety and healthy nutrition," said Prof Dr İrfan Şencan, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Turkey.

After the opening session, a panel of experts hosted a question and answer session. Mr Muharrem Selçuk, Deputy General Director of the Food and Control General Directorate of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock; Dr Bekir Keskinkılıç, Vice President of Noncommunicable Diseases and Cancer and Vice President of the Public Health Institution of Turkey; Dr Neslihan Alper, Head of Food Control and Laboratories Department of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock; Dr Halil Vural, Head of Food Engineering Department of Hacettepe University were among the panellists.