Over 10 000 cases of food poisoning a year and rising: World Health Day in the Republic of Moldova


Every year in the Republic of Moldova, over 10 000 cases of foodborne disease are registered, and this figure is growing. In response, and in recognition of World Health Day 2015, a series of food-safety events were held at local and national level to support this year's theme, 'From farm to plate: make food safe.'

At a joint national press conference with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and the National Agency for Food Safety, the Minister of Health, Mircea Buga, stressed that, "The main factors contributing to the spread of foodborne diseases in the Republic of Moldova are related to the marketing of foods in unauthorized places; health safety violations in food processing and neglecting hygiene standards with food storage. The Republic of Moldova needs to bring national regulations on food safety up to international standards".

Dr Jarno Habicht, WHO Representative in the Republic of Moldova, underlined the need to strengthen collaboration and coordination among various stakeholders and across all sectors.

WHO/Europe, in partnership with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, works in Moldova to strengthen public health services, including surveillance, addressing antimicrobial resistance, and improving interest in and adherence to standards and guidelines.